There are generally two main reasons why people put together an estate plan in order to protect their beneficiaries: (a) Protecting minor beneficiaries, and/or (b) Protecting adult beneficiaries from bad decisions, outside influences, creditor problems and divorcing spouses. Source: 5 Reasons You Need an Estate Plan
Estate Planning - Category
5 Reasons You Need an Estate Plan
May 15th, 2019 | Estate PlanningIs A Solo 401(k) Or An SEP-IRA Better For A Small Business With No Employees? | Forbes
May 1st, 2019 | Estate PlanningNow that this tax season is over, it’s time to start planning for the next one. If you own a small business, this means you. Source: Is A Solo 401(k) Or An SEP-IRA Better For A Small Business With No Employees? | Forbes
Should You Use The Systematic Withdrawal Approach To Retirement Income Planning? | Forbes
April 30th, 2019 | Estate PlanningRetirement income planning is challenging. To have a financially successful retirement you need a plan, not just with saving for retirement but also with spending in retirement. A systematic withdrawal spending strategy can help you get to where you want to be. Source: Should You Use The Systematic Withdrawal Approach To Retirement Income Planning? | […]
What Financial Savvy Individuals Do After The April 15th Tax Deadline | Forbes
April 24th, 2019 | Estate PlanningMost Americans focus on tax planning during tax season. But tax season is about preparing returns, not doing the actual planning. There are steps that financially savvy individuals make sure they take with their tax professional. Source: What Financial Savvy Individuals Do After The April 15th Tax Deadline | Forbes
Why Tax Refunds Aren’t Really A Good Thing: How To Plan Better | Forbes
April 20th, 2019 | Estate PlanningDid you get a refund this year? It would probably be better financial planning if you didn’t. Source: Why Tax Refunds Aren’t Really A Good Thing: How To Plan Better | Forbes
Best advice? Create your estate plan now.
April 18th, 2019 | Estate PlanningModern estate planning generally advises and directs clients to create an estate plan to avoid having to go to probate. These strategies include revocable living trusts, making incremental gifts during your lifetime, buying life insurance, naming beneficiaries and setting up joint ownership of assets.
Leaving A Legacy: Why Everyone Needs An Estate Plan |
April 17th, 2019 | Estate PlanningEstablishing an estate plan can help you prepare for the future and leave a legacy for the people you love. Your estate is the accumulation of everything you own: your car, real estate, checking accounts, savings accounts, furniture, life insurance, investments, and personal possessions such as artwork or jewelry. Source: Leaving A Legacy: Why Everyone […]
You work hard for your family, and you owe it to yourself to secure your legacy, and your peace of mind, by setting up a proper estate plan.
April 13th, 2019 | Estate PlanningAttorney Barry Gardiner can strategize the best means for transferring your assets, minimizing taxes, establishing guardianship for your children, caring for your pets, supporting personal philanthropic causes and protecting your loved ones.
3 Steps To Financial Fitness In Your Thirties
April 10th, 2019 | Estate PlanningYou work out to be health, here are three moves for financial fitness in your thirties. How to get a handle on your debt, start building wealth and stay on track for financial independence. Fiscal Fitness is sexy, so get your finances in shape. Source: 3 Steps To Financial Fitness In Your Thirties
About Asset Protection Plans | The Balance
April 8th, 2019 | Estate PlanningAsset protection means keeping your property safe from being taken by someone who wins a lawsuit against you. It can range from a lawsuit related to a negligent act that you performed, such as causing a car accident, to a lawsuit related to the foreclosure of property for which you have stopped paying the mortgage. […]