by Barry L. Gardiner | Sep 16, 2019 | Estate Planning, Wills
It is up to each of us to decide how much is the appropriate amount to leave our children. For those of lesser or moderate means, perhaps leaving all assets to your children makes sense. But there is a point where the prospect of inheriting too much money is a...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Sep 12, 2019 | Federal Taxation
There’s a high degree of probability taxes are going up in our lifetime. You’ve heard the stories, fiscal deficits, unfunded liabilities, income inequality, and an expiring Trump tax cut. It’s safe to assume the direction of taxation is higher, potentially much...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Sep 9, 2019 | Estate Planning
When we think of leaving assets to our loved ones, invariably an outright distribution leaps to mind. However, while an outright distribution might be simplest, it is typically not the best manner in which to leave the assets. An outright distribution leaves the...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Sep 3, 2019 | Estate Planning
Contrary to popular misconception, you don’t have to own a big house to have an estate.Source: ‘I Don’t Have An Estate. Why Do I Need An Estate Plan?’ | Forbes
by Barry L. Gardiner | Aug 30, 2019 | Estate Planning
To delay or get out of estate planning, people tell themselves all sorts of lies. Here are three lies people frequently tell themselves to delay, or avoid estate planning altogether. In your natural tendency to want to avoid contemplating your own demise, don’t...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Aug 26, 2019 | Estate Planning
What if I told you I’d found a way to protect your portfolio from this twitchy market without giving up big gains (and income)? My guess is you’d be interested—if a little skeptical.Source: 3 Big Dividends The IRS Can’t Touch | Forbes
by Barry L. Gardiner | Aug 23, 2019 | Estate Planning
When problems arise in an estate plan, often the source is a lack of clarity. Tom Petty died in 2017 and left a fortune estimated by Newsweek to be around $38 million. Petty did some things right, but he could have done better.Source: Clarity is Key to Planning
by Barry L. Gardiner | Aug 20, 2019 | Estate Planning
States are setting up government-run retirement plans to fill a vast “coverage gap” where workers aren’t offered 401(k)s on the job. In fact, that coverage gap has been vastly exaggerated. Most workers who need to save for retirement are offered a...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Aug 17, 2019 | Federal Taxation
Even with a higher personal deduction, it may still be advantageous for philanthropically-inclined taxpayers to itemize.Source: Tax Planning: Charitable Giving Under The New Law
by Barry L. Gardiner | Aug 13, 2019 | Federal Taxation
Paying corporate taxes can be more beneficial for business owners when compared to paying additional individual income tax. Corporate tax returns deduct medical insurance for families as well as fringe benefits including retirement plans and tax-deferred trusts. It is...