by Barry L. Gardiner | Jul 2, 2019 | Estate Planning
When it comes to saving for retirement it can be challenging to determine the best place to invest your money. Should you save in your 401k? Should you set up an IRA? How about a Roth IRA? Well, as most things in personal finance, it is personal to you as there are a...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 27, 2019 | Elder Law, Estate Planning
A durable power of attorney is an exclusive type of power of attorney. A durable power of attorney is distinctive from a regular power of attorney and allows the agent to act on the principal’s behalf beyond the incapacity of the principal. A durable power of attorney...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 27, 2019 | Estate Planning, Federal Taxation
Taxes are confusing by themselves, much less adding the complexity of the various types of retirement savings options. Often headlines that say, “The Best Way to”, over simplify and lead to even more confusion. To learn about tax advantaged retirement savings, we need...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 20, 2019 | Estate Planning
There are some situations where it may make sense for some individuals to save for retirement in taxable accounts instead of in retirement accounts.Source: 4 Reasons For Saving For Retirement In A Taxable Account | Forbes
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 18, 2019 | Trusts
Mediation serves as an alternative to a full-scale litigation to settle disputes. At a mediation, family members and beneficiaries discuss plans on transfer of assets. Because of the potential conflicts associated with blended families, step siblings, and multiple...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 13, 2019 | Federal Taxation
The probate system for distributing property after death traces its roots back to British common law. the decedent’s purported will, if any, is entered in court, after hearing evidence from the representative of the estate, the court decides if the will is...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 11, 2019 | Estate Planning
You have two main options after inheriting a retirement account. Withdraw all of the money and receive a whopping tax bill, or move the inherited 401(k) or IRA into a Beneficiary IRA (aka Inherited IRA) and defer taxes until you make withdrawals. There are some rules...
by Barry L. Gardiner | Jun 6, 2019 | Estate Planning
The costliest mistake people make with their IRAs doesn’t involve how they invest their funds or even their savings strategy. No, the single greatest blunder often goes undetected because, as many no doubt say when they’re opening their IRA account, “It’s something I...
by Barry L. Gardiner | May 24, 2019 | Estate Planning, Federal Taxation, Trusts, Wills
Happy Memorial Day! Honor our fallen heroes and vets who defend our nation.
by Barry L. Gardiner | May 23, 2019 | Trusts
The benefits of a will or living trust are obvious. However, you won’t get the expected advantages without minding the details.Source: Why Most People Need an Estate Plan – MarketWatch